Sunday, February 27, 2011

Robbery Ending

The winner is
B. Try to open the safe to buy time

In assessing the situation, you decide to take your chances and pretend to open the safe.  You walk towards the safe and with shaky hands you turn the dial.

“Hurry up!” the robber commands.  You’re beginning to realize this is futile.

Even though you know you’re going to die, you turn the dial the opposite direction to a fake number.  Turning around to take one last look at the robber, you turn the dial one last time.

When you’re finished and safe doesn’t open, the robber aims the gun at your head saying, “You fucked with the wrong guy pal!” and he pulls the trigger.  The only good thing is that this was a quick death as the bullet tears through your skull and you fall to the ground.  The robber decides to cut his losses with the safe but steals your wallet instead.  He exits the store without looking back.

Three hours later, your boss returns and reports your murder to the police.  Your death is in vain because your killer hasn’t been caught because the security cameras couldn’t pick up his face.  The only good thing was that your boss bought a shotgun and showed his new employee how to use it along with telling the employee the combination to the safe.  Maybe the new employee will have a better chance.  You sure didn’t.

The End

The next story will be posted a week from now.

Sunday, February 20, 2011


 It’s your first graveyard shift at the supermarket.  You just started working one week ago and so far everything is going pretty smooth.  Your boss was supposed to stay with you but earlier he got an emergency call about his son.  He put you in charge of the store while he hurried home.  That happened two hours ago and in those two hours only one customer showed up.  You’re killing time reading a magazine.  But then the door opens.  You look up to see a man whose face is concealed by a mask, a gun in his hand.  Before you can react, he shoots you.  You fall to the floor in pain.  Luckily your shoulder took the bullet.  But you realize the man is still here.

As you get back up with great difficulty clutching your bleeding shoulder, the robber points the gun at you and says,  “Open the register and give me the money or else I won’t miss the second shot.”

Judging from his actions, the robber will not hesitate to shoot you.  Stalling will not work.  You open the register as he raids the store, still pointing the gun at you.

Unfortunately as you give him the money he notices the safe behind you and yells,  “Open the fucking safe, NOW!”

But there’s a problem.  You don’t know the combination to the safe.  It’s your boss’ safe and he trusts no one with the combination.  You realize this situation has turned a bad direction.  He already shot you, so telling him the truth will most likely result in him killing you.  He’s fidgeting, so he’s not willing to wait around.  Faking opening the safe will most likely not work.  There is a bat under the counter but he’s got a gun.  You have to decide what to do.

Make the choice

A. Tell the truth
B. Try to open the safe to buy time
C. Fight the robber
D.  Try to flee the store.

Make your vote.  I will post the result a week from today.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Pickup Truck Outcome

Winner: C. Jump out of your car to take a closer look.

Intrigued, though slightly scared, you open your door as quietly as possible.  Tiptoeing across the pickup truck you see the three shadows.  Things immediately make sense now.  You breathe a sigh of relief.  The first two shadows are a pre-teen boy and girl.  They look to be siblings.  The third shadow with the shovels is an old man.  And the thing the boy and girl dragged or carried was a small tree.  They are planting a tree by the road.  The boy and girl notice you and wave.  You come forward and shake the old man’s hand.  You then offer to help plant the tree.  They agree and you help the boy dig the hole.  After it’s finished, you and the old man hoist the tree and plant it.  The old man shakes your hand explaining that the small tree was irritating his neighbors, so it was going to be cut down.  He didn’t want to see his tree die, so he decided to plant it by the road with the help of his grandchildren.  But he lost track of time, which was why it was nighttime by the time they got to the place he picked.  You get back in your car while the old man and his grandchildren get back in the pickup truck.  As you drive down the road, you wonder what would have happened if you had jumped to conclusions.

The End

The next story will be posted next Sunday

Monday, February 7, 2011

Pickup Truck

As you drive down the road, you take note of the emptiness around you in the dark.  One pickup truck is behind you.  For the most part you ignore each other until you stop at the red traffic light.  As you look behind, the pickup truck has pulled off the road.  You see two shadows dragging something from the truck.  A third shadow departs from the truck holding shovels.

Make the choice:

A. Drive away like hell
B. Call the police
C. Jump out of your car to take a closer look
D. Ram into the pickup truck

I will post the result on Sunday

How to make the choice

I will write a situation that can end numerous ways.  Comments influence what I put as the outcome. Sometimes I give the options as A or B and sometimes the floor is open for your ideas.  I will decide the best outcomes and finish the story.  Think about your choice though.  You all can change the outcome of the story.

Make The Choice