Monday, April 18, 2011

Lost Cat and the Car Crash

Hi everyone

As to what we did, we went through a week of pure hell.  I made posters of our cat, Mr. Darcy, we looked almost all day for him,  and even threw litter throughout our backyard.  We weren't successful.  Every possible lead ended in failure and we became more and more crushed with each passing day.  Finally, we hired an animal tracker (a dog that picks up the scent and follows it).  The tracker showed that Mr. Darcy got very far.  Finally we got a lead that someone saw him.  We set up a trap and caught him.

This is him

Now, a while ago, my mom was driving my sister back to Vermont for school and her car crashed.  What happened to them?  Of course they're okay but I will explain what happened next week.

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