Monday, March 28, 2011

Hell Day Part 2

 The Winner is
A. Shower Up

Tony realized that showering was most important and ran to the bathroom.  He immediately got under the shower head and turned the water on.  But instead of water, some slimy, smelly green-brown fluid shot out of the shower-head and drenched Tony.
“WHAT THE FUCK!” He shouted falling out of the shower covered in the mess.  He smelled horrible.

Looking at the bathtub, he figured a pipe burst or something.  But he had no time to wonder and with all the towels he had, wiped the sludgy mess off his body.  But he couldn’t get rid of the smell, which made him smell like a bum covered in trash. 

Tony used as much cologne as he could to disguise the sludge smell and left for his car.  The minute he tried to start his car, it made a horrible noise and didn’t start.

“Why…” He sighed thinking things couldn’t get worse.  He knew the bus swung by his office if he ran.  But that would be a pain.  Or he could call a cab but that might be expensive.  What should he do?

Make the Choice

A. Call a mechanic
B. Run to the Bus
C. Call a cab
D. Hitchhike
E. You wouldn’t be productive today smelling like shit, so ditch work

I’ll post the result next Monday

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Hell Day

Note: This is my first multi-part story.  The next update will not be an ending to this story but another part of it.

Tony awoke to find his alarm clock was broken.  Because of that, he had overslept and was on the verge of being late.

“Damn!” he cursed finding himself facing a dilemma of what to do.  Should he have breakfast, spruce up, or read the paper like he usually did.  He only had enough time to do one thing.

Make the choice:

A. Shower up
B. Make Breakfast
C. Read the paper
D. Screw work and go back to sleep

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Money Ending

 The winner is
B. Give the money to the police.

You decide that since this money doesn’t belong to you, however tempting it may be, you must give it to the authorities for them to handle.  When you get to the station and hand the police the money, they examine it and then chatter amongst themselves.  The police then question you about your whereabouts between 1 pm and 3pm the previous day.  You reply that you were with your friend at a bar.  The police check and confirm this.

When you ask why they wanted to know this, they explain the situation.

Yesterday there was a robbery in which a masked man raided the back holding the tellers at gunpoint stealing five thousand dollars.  The security cameras failed to capture the robber’s face and he eluded the police.  The money the robber stole was marked so if he or you had used it they would find out. 

You realize now that if you had used this stolen money you might have been locked up.

You’ll find another way to pay the rent.

The End

The Next Story will posted a week from now.

Sunday, March 6, 2011


On your way home, you decide to take the long way home.  You are concerned about the rent on your apartment.  You can’t seem to make enough at your job to make the rent and your landlord is getting tired of your excuses.  Suddenly you hear a rustling as you walk.  You look down and see an envelope under your shoe.  You pick it up and look inside.

Inside the envelope is a huge wad of cash.  Upon counting it, you find $5,000.  This would definitely cover the rent.  But you know this money is lost and doesn’t belong to you.  Investigating the envelope leads to no clues as to whom this money belongs to.

Make the Choice

A. Keep the Money
B. Give the money to the Police
C. Ask around the location you found the money
D. Leave the money for someone else find and decide

Make your vote.  I will post the result a week from now.